Sunday, July 11, 2010

Text Update

So it looks like we'll be here for a while longer. The neurologist is going to convene a meeting with the Stoke Committee to discuss our situation. They're not sure what the next step should be and they don't want to do unnecessary testing. Current thought is that we may be home by Thursday. They really need to get the seizure medication fixed before we go.

Thank you, all, for your love and support; we couldn't be getting through it without you.


Kim said...

I was really hoping youd be home sooner, but obviously this is the best place for her. We're praying hard!! Give that little girl a kiss for me! I hope you get some better sleep tonight- all three of you. Hugs and kisses- Kim

Carrie said...

Thinking about you guys. Thanks for posting some pics. Hope they sort this out and have some answers for you soon.
xo, Carrie