Saturday, July 10, 2010

Further good news

The neurologist said that the brain swelling is minor and that her progress is fantastic. They're going to take off the EEG leads today that have been covering her head. Her prognostication is that we'll be sent home on Monday or Tuesday if everything looks good. She'll have another MRI and occupational therapy before we go.

We put her in the sitting position and she was much more stable than before. Then she decided that she wanted to stand; she was pretty solid.

There is increased muscle tone (bad) in her right arm. Basically that's something we'll have to actively combat.

Anyhow, we'll feeling much better after the rest and shower. Kayla has been sleeping and nursing and has been pretty happy in between. We're going to rotate home today after the doctors come by. Because this is a teaching hospital, a group of about 10 people come by. One presents the case and they all listen / give feedback and suggestions.

Time to move her back to the bed!


Fran said...

Thank goodness for the good report and her great progress...I continue to pray for you all. Sending Love and Hugs

jodilyn said...

Hi Jenn & Andy ( and Benji & Kayla!) - I wanted to let you guys know that you're in my prayers - and Josh & I have both been praying for you guys and Kayla specifically. Thinking of you guys often and continuing to pray for rest and peace and healing and miracles. . . - Jody