Saturday, July 10, 2010

Crossing the midline

We've been focusing on staying on Kayla's right side, forcing her to turn to us if she wanted to look at us. She briefly glanced at Babi an hour ago, but just as she was falling asleep she turned her head and eyes and looked at us on her right! For a long time! Huzzah!

When I was giving her a bottle of Jenn's milk, she was reaching over with her right hand to hold it. While she couldn't get her fingers open, she did manage to keep her hand on the bottle for a while at a time.

Go Kayla!


Carrie said...

You're doing great Kayla! Keep it up!

Jennifer said...

Atta girl!

Blessed Girl said...

We are praying for your family! Fingers opening can be worked on. Fatigue makes it worse, at least for me post stroke at age 25! Everyone we know (literally) is praying for you guys! May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine on you and be gracious to you!! -Nate & Lisa W

jodilyn said...

awesome! sounds like you have a great OT giving ideas for how to keep challenging her in crossing midline! :D continuing to pray!

Tucker Bradford said...
